Become a member

Try-out training

Are you curious about what happens during our training sessions? Before joining, you can experience the action firsthand with 2 free try-out sessions! No boxing experience or equipment needed—just bring your enthusiasm and see if it’s the right fit for you.

If you are interested, send an email to with the dates of the trainings you’d like to attend and we’ll make sure  a spot is reserved for you!  Don’t forget to check our training schedule for our training dates.

How to become a member

Insterested in becoming a member? Follow these steps if you are a student at the UT:

  1. Get yourself a UnionCard via this link or at the service desk of the Sportscentrum if you do not have one. The UnionCard is “added” to your studentcard and is needed in order to join an association or get a gym membership. It is currently priced at €65 for 1 year.
  2. Register with E.S.B.V. Buitenwesten through the Sports & Culture website. Refer to this short manual for help.
  3. Wait for our secretary to accept your application.
  4. Pay the association fee through Sports & Culture website. In order to become a member of any sports or culture association, you need to pay this fee next to the UnionCard. The cost of the association fee is currently €35 for 1 year or €22 for a half-year.
  5. If you cannot find the payment option, use this link for a full-year membership and this one for a half-year membership. If that still doesn’t work, please go to the service desk of the Sportcentrum for payment/help.
  6. Fill in the membership form.
  7. After you have completed your payments for the UnionCard and association fee, and you have filled in the membership form, Buitenwesten will arrange payment for your association-specific contribution via email. The contribution for 2024/2025 is €90 per year or €45 per half-year, which includes a €25/12.50 barshift deposit (see below 👇).
  8. If everything is completed you are now a member of E.S.B.V. Buitenwesten and you will be added to the WhatsApp community!

For more info, or if you are not a student at UT, check out the website of the Student union.

For any questions regarding your membership registration, contact the secretary at For any other questions feel free to contact the board at

Barshift policy

At the University of Twente, every sports association, including Buitenwesten, is required to staff bar shifts at the sports canteen. These shifts are handled by our members. To encourage participation, we ask for a deposit of €25 for a full-year membership or €12.50 for a half-year membership, which is fully refunded once you complete your bar shifts. The refund is proportional—if you complete half of your bar shifts, you’ll receive half of your deposit back.

What’s even better is that a portion of the earnings from Buitenwesten’s bar shifts goes directly to our treasury. By doing your bar shifts, you’re not only earning your deposit back but also significantly supporting your association!

Once you become a member you will be assigned only a few barshifts per year, which will be communicated to you by the board.

We hope to see you soon!