
Welcome to E.S.B.V. Buitenwesten, the boxing association of the University of Twente!


Becoming a member of E.S.B.V. Buitenwesten

You can send an email to voorzitter@buitenwesten.utwente.nl if you would like to participate in a try-out training. You are allowed to participate in two trainings before we ask you to become a member. 

To become a member of E.S.B.V. Buitenwesten, visit the ‘Becoming a member‘ page for clear instructions!

Information on our training schedule can be found here.


4 times a week E.S.B.V. Buitenwesten gives a training in the sport center at the University of Twente. We do a combination of conditioning, technique and competition training. Do you not own boxing equipment? That is not a problem, you can borrow that during the training!


E.S.B.V. Buitenwesten cannot be a student association without activities with its members. To make sure the members get to know each other better we organise drinks and other activities.

Sports clothes

It is possible to buy sport clothes with our logo at E.S.B.V. Buitenwesten! Check out the 'Clothing' tab!
For any tips or advice on boxing equipment, feel free to approach our trainers or the board!

Gerben Scholten

Gerben is a trainer that will have you ready for bed once the training is over. Trainings provided by Gerben are intense, fun and useful. From conditioning your punches to footwork, Gerben will make sure you improve!

General Association Information

Check out our community

